AntiCrack Protector 1.0x Manually
发表于: 2005-2-19 14:31 5950

AntiCrack Protector 1.0x Manually

2005-2-19 14:31
************* AntiCrack Protector 1.0x Manually unpack tutorial by KaGra  *****************

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        Hallo to all my readerz.Well,since I have see no unpack tutorial in this
        protector I decided to make one.The zip containz the packed and the unpacked
        files.This is not a hard protector at all,and I don't know why no tutor
        exists till now.Let us begin...

        Toolz used: Olly v1.10,OllyDump Plugin,HideOlly plugin,ImpRec v1.6f

        Ok,I used the Hide Plug to hide Olly from the IsDebuggerPresent API that
        is used as an anti-debugging "trick".So,use this plug to avoid setting
        breakpoints on that API constantly.

        Open the target exe and load it into Olly.If any messages appear press OK
        and Yes.Those messages inform U that Olly has quessed that maybe the target
        is packed,and asks for the continuation of the analyzation.So U are at EP (Entry Point)

0050F000 > $ 60             PUSHAD
0050F001   . F8             CLC
0050F002   . F8             CLC
0050F003   . 4F             DEC EDI
0050F004   . 87CF           XCHG EDI,ECX
0050F006   . 66:B9 7F55     MOV CX,557F
0050F00A   . 7E 03          JLE SHORT ColorPic.0050F00F
0050F00C   . 7F 01          JG SHORT ColorPic.0050F00F
0050F00E   . 7B 75          JPO SHORT ColorPic.0050F085
0050F010     01             DB 01
0050F011     F9             DB F9
0050F012     7C             DB 7C                                    ;  CHAR '|'
0050F013     03             DB 03

        Now make sure that U don't have any hardware,memory,software or other breakpoints set
        because this packer will find them and will stop the execution of the program,if U
        start to executing it.Make also sure that the only exceptions that are checked in
        Debbuging Options are Ignore memory access violations in kernel32 and int3 breaks.Well I
        figured        out this combination of checked exception during trying to unpack it,do not brake your
        mind with that.Now,press Shift+F9,an exception occured,continue with Shift+F9.Shit!
        The application terminates,and killz Olly also.Well this is an anti-debbuging trick
        that Uses three API's:With createtoolhelp32snapshot,creates a list with the current
        handles of the running processes.With Process32first it takes the first handle and
        takes the rest using process32next.After taking all those handles,the prog has
        hardcoded (well actually created during runtime) some names of debuggerz and unprotectorz,
        including Olly'z name (OLLYDBG.exe).It searches again using those API's for a proccess
        named OLLYDBG (and others),and compares it's handler with it's running father thread.If it is the
        same,it terminates and terminates Olly.If one of the running processes is also a
        "bad" program,it may terminate it.So what we will do?

        We will change the code of createtoolhelp32snapshot API,to return
        immediatelly using a ret opcode.Have also in mind that we cannot place any breakpoints
        at the first opcode of any API (meaning that U cannot double-click on API's name in
        search name in all modules and place a breakpoint at the first opcode,but also do
        not put an opcode using commandline plugin like:bp createtoolhelp32snapshot).This is because
        the protector,just before calling an API searches for the first opcode.If there finds a CC
        instruction (which is a software breakpoint that is set using eg "bp createtoolhelp32snapshot")
        it termimanes.For this,it just uses such kind of commands:

                        MOV eax,byte ptr ds:[XXXXXXXX]  <--- XXXXXXXX location contains the address of an API
                        CMP eax,CC
                        JNZ YYYYYYYY

        So,load again the target.Do not run yet.In code section,right click and search for name in all
        modules.Find createtoolhelp32snapshot API,and double click on it.U are at it's code,HeRe:

77E92ED1 > 55               PUSH EBP
77E92ED2   8BEC             MOV EBP,ESP
77E92ED4   83EC 0C          SUB ESP,0C
77E92ED7   56               PUSH ESI
77E92ED8   8B75 0C          MOV ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+C]
77E92EDB   85F6             TEST ESI,ESI
77E92EDD   0F84 3FE60000    JE kernel32.77EA1522
77E92EE3   8D45 FC          LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-4]

        See a little down,till the retn where the code of the API ends.This is HeRe:

77E92F2A   56               PUSH ESI
77E92F2B   FF75 08          PUSH DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+8]
77E92F2E   E8 12000000      CALL kernel32.77E92F45
77E92F33   8BF0             MOV ESI,EAX
77E92F35   85F6             TEST ESI,ESI
77E92F37   0F8C F4E50000    JL kernel32.77EA1531
77E92F3D   8B45 0C          MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+C]
77E92F40   5E               POP ESI
77E92F41   C9               LEAVE
77E92F42   C2 0800          RETN 8

        Ok,it ends with a RETN 8.So,go at 77E92ED2 and enter the following new commands:

77E92ED1 > 55               PUSH EBP
77E92ED2   5D               POP EBP
77E92ED3   33C0             XOR EAX,EAX
77E92ED5   C2 0800          RETN 8

        The POP instruction is to make stack as it was before the PUSH EBP,the XOR makes EAX=0
        and is used as a flag from the program to continue the execution without crashing (because
        it will think that there are not any other processes running at that time,nothing bad actually)
        and the retn 8 to return to the code.So,now no proccesses taken,no Olly detection.

        Press Shift+F9 (if exceptions occur,again Shift+F9) and the prog runz just fine under Olly.
        Now reload it into Olly,make all the anti-tracing things we said and press one time Shift+F9.
        Olly breaks for an exception of access violation.Now press the "M" button and see the contents
        of memory.Right click on code section (named .text) and set a memory breakpoint on access.Now
        one more time Shift+F9,Olly pauses and U see garbage.Right click->Analysis->Analyze code and
        we are actually at the OEP,HeRe:

0041A4C9   . 68 28F34300    PUSH ColorPic.0043F328
0041A4CE   . 68 58DC4100    PUSH ColorPic.0041DC58                   ;  SE handler installation
0041A4D3   . 64:A1 00000000 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR FS:[0]
0041A4D9   . 50             PUSH EAX
0041A4DA   . 64:8925 000000>MOV DWORD PTR FS:[0],ESP
0041A4E1   . 83EC 58        SUB ESP,58
0041A4E4   . 53             PUSH EBX
0041A4E5   . 56             PUSH ESI
0041A4E6   . 57             PUSH EDI
0041A4E7   . 8965 E8        MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-18],ESP
0041A4EA   . FF15 50B24300  CALL DWORD PTR DS:[43B250]               ;  kernel32.GetVersion

        Remove memory breakpoint now and dump the exe using Olly plugin,without having checked
        the Import rebuilding option.Do not close Olly.Now open ImpRec and enter as OEP the
        value (OEP as appearz)-(ImageBase)=0041A4C9-00400000=1A4C9.Now IAT autosearch and Get
        Imports.Now show invalid.We have one invalid thunk.Try tracing levelz,no one validates the
        thunk.Well,most of the tutorz out there would now just say "now cut the invalid thunks etc".
        But if U cut the thunk as invalid,the exe will not work.Why?Because this pointer that is
        unresovled (in me is 5124DB) and should properely have pointed at an API,is just showing
        to a memory address that code of the exe is.This code of the exe has been dumped with
        OllyDump,and may was part of the protector,but now is part of the exe.And cutting this
        thunk we prevent this necessary code to be executed,althought it has nothing to do with
        APIs.And where is the API that should have been pointed here,properely?Well,as there is
        no other invalid thunk,may be one of the valids and has been just replaced (moved) in
        another place (another pointer).Anyway,now fix dump and it will tell U that there are still
        unresolved pointers.Well,not really.Run the fixed exe and...yeap,it's unpacked!

        This was it U riderz of the StorM.Drink some VoDka for me also in next tutor...

        Thankz to: ???


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跟鸡蛋学了一个CMP eax,CC和 ret 8 。

最后的thunk 处理方式没理解,是不是直接fix dump 一下就行?
2005-2-20 13:26
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