v 1.1.0 beta [5 feb 2003]
-bound imports are loaded via GetProcAddress...so no bound is preserved ;p (4 the moment)
-icons (all 32x32) and file version are preserved when compressing resources;
-chunck check;eXPressor will ask to add extra data found at the end of the PE;
-multilevel packing support;this means that you can pack over and over the same exe!
-so it can pack PEs packed with other packers which support multilevel packing;(tested on upx,pebundle packed programs)
-this ver doesn't support IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LOAD_CONFIG;
-the entire packed PE structure is compressed now into a big section at the beginning of the file;
-full resource directory rebuilder;it will rebase the .rsrc dir at a new VirtualAddress;
-added a small window to see progress status;compression is made in a separate thread;
-packed programs will run under win98 too;
-pfffeew...who said building a packer it's easy ?... :)