[分享]WMCNT'09]- Special Issue on Mobile Computing and Networking Technologies
发表于: 2010-3-11 00:55 5219

[分享]WMCNT'09]- Special Issue on Mobile Computing and Networking Technologies

2010-3-11 00:55
[WMCNT'09] Submission Deadline Extension ! - Special Issue on Mobile Computing and Networking Technologies

Telecommunication Systems Journal, Springer Special Issue on "Mobile
Computing and Networking Technologies"


The new social, economic and technological trends having evolved worldwide such as the increasing demand for productivity and effectiveness with the pressure torespond immediately to customer requirements have created increased need for access to information anywhere in the world at anytime.
Considering the present telecommunication environment, which is an
amalgamation of a large number of networks and administrative domains
employing various access technologies, combined with the increased user
mobility makes it difficult to promise the same grade of service quality atall parts of the network. The convergence of information communications technology and computing is creating new demands and opportunities for ubiquitous computing via wireless and mobile equipment without technological restrictions.

The demanding networking environment of wireless communications imposes
several challenges in terms of network design, channel estimation,
propagation and radio resource management offering a variety of high
qualitymultimedia applications. Overcoming these issues becomes even more demanding due to non-uniform spectrum allocation, various radio resource management policies, economic concerns, the scarcity of radio resources, the inherent transmission impairments of wireless links, and user mobility.

This Special Issue aims to publish high quality, original, unpublished
research papers covering all aspects related to Mobile Computing and
Networking Technologies. In addition, this Special Issue collects extended versions of best papers from IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing and Networking Technologies
2009 (WMCNT09).

Special Issue Topics

Authors are solicited to submit original unpublished papers in the
following, but not limited to, topic areas:

     QoS in wireless/mobile systems

     End-to-End QoS

     Mobility management in wireless networks

     Modeling analysis and simulation

     Wireless access techniques

     Wireless propagation and channel modelling

     Wireless/Mobile network architectures

     Digital audio and video on wireless networks

     Experimental systems and field trials

     Wireless communication networks and systems

     Wireless system services and applications

     Security, scalability and reliability in wireless/mobile networks

     Wireless / Mobile Internet

     Wireless LANs and PANs  

     Body Wireless Networks

     Wireless mesh networks

     Wireless Mobile ad-hoc networks

     Planning and standardization

     Cognitive radio networks

     Cross-layer adaptation design and optimization

     Heterogeneous wireless networking

     3G, 4G, and beyond system

     Next generation networks

     Systems interoperability

     Radio resource management

     Reliable broadcast/Multicast wireless technologies for multimedia

     Performance evaluation of new wireless standards for high-quality
entertainment environments

Submission Guidelines

Prospective authors are invited to submit research contributions
representing original, previously unpublished work. Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness,and clarity of exposition. Authors should follow the TelecommunicationSystems (http://www.springer.com/business/business+information+systems/journal/11235)
manuscript format as described in the Instruction to Authors. Manuscripts(pdf and source files) must be directly emailed the following email address: wmcnt09@gmail.com with clear indication that the submission is for the Special Issue Mobile Computing and Networking Technologies (use "SI Submission - MCNT - JTS" as
the e-mail subject). All manuscripts should include a cover letter containing the title of the paper, full names and affiliations, complete postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax
numbers, an abstract, and some keywords. The contacting author should be clearly identified. Moreover, a short biography (up to 200 words) and a jpg picture of each author should be given at the end of the manuscript. All papers will be peer reviewed based on their originality and high scientific quality. In addition, this
Special Issue collects extended version of best papers from IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing and Networking Technologies 2009 (WMCNT09), which should be a least 30% new compared to the workshop papers.
For further questions or inquiries, please contact us at the following email address: wmcnt09@gmail.com.

Important Dates

New Submission Deadline             March 24, 2010  (Extended)!!!

First Notification of Acceptance    May 1, 2010

Final Notification of Acceptance    July 1, 2010

Camera Ready Final Manuscript Due   September 1, 2010

Publication Date              2011

Guest Editors:

Dimitrios G. Stratogiannis*

Wireless and Satellite Communications Group School of Electrical and
Computer Engineering National Technical University of Athens



E-mail: dstratog@mail.ntua.gr

Georgios I. Tsiropoulos*

Wireless and Satellite Communications Group

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

National Technical University of Athens



E-mail: gitsirop@mail.ntua.gr

Prof. Yevgeni Koucheryavy

Department of Communications Engineering

Tampere University of Technology



E-mail: yk@cs.tut.fi

Dr. Alexey Vinel

St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of Russian Academy
of Sciences (SPIIRAS)


E-mail: vinel@ieee.org

Eirini- Eleni I. Tsiropoulou

Network Management & Optimal Design Lab

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

National Technical University of Athens



E-mail: eetsirop@hotmail.com

*Primary point of contact (Corresponding Editors).


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