[分享][ICUMT 2010] ICUMT-2010 Congress Workshops Proposals
发表于: 2010-2-24 00:42 4867

[分享][ICUMT 2010] ICUMT-2010 Congress Workshops Proposals

2010-2-24 00:42
The International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems
ICUMT 2010

October 18 - 20, 2010
Moscow, Russia


The ICUMT 2010 solicits proposals for one- or two-day workshops on special and emerging topics in communications, networking, security, services and applications as well as on special and emerging topics in control systems, robotics and automation. Proposals should focus on more specific research fields than the main congress tracks. The workshops will be held in conjunction with the main track of the congress. A maximum 2-page workshop proposal should provide the following information:

- title, theme and specific topics of the workshop
- workshop length (one day or two-day)
- names, contact information, and affiliation of workshop organizers

The congress proceedings (including workshops) will be published in IEEE Xplore (pending) and indexed in relevant databases (such as EI-index).
Submission of proposal

Please send workshop proposals in plain text or pdf by email with "ICUMT 2010 Workshop Proposal" in subject line to the following email

info@icumt.org  by April 5, 2010.

About the Conference

ICUMT is an annual international conference providing an open forum for researchers, engineers, network planners and service providers in telecommunications targeted on newly emerging algorithms, systems, standards, services, and applications.

ICUMT is positioned as a premier international annual conference for the presentation of original and fundamental research and engineering results. The aim of ICUMT is to bring together Russian and international players in telecommunications, control systems, optimization, robotics and automation. The conference will consist of plenary sessions, open call sessions and workshops.

The ICUMT 2010 is supported by the Popov Society and regarded as very important part of scientific life of Russia.

The congress has strong industrial support from worldwide leading vendors as well as national companies and SMEs.

Authors of selected outstanding papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for consideration of publication in a special issue.
For further and up-to-date information please visit official web page of the
Conference http://www.icumt.org


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