[分享]歡迎投稿GPC 2010 ,並相約在台灣花蓮見面。
2009-10-30 08:33 3546

[分享]歡迎投稿GPC 2010 ,並相約在台灣花蓮見面。

2009-10-30 08:33
GPC 2010
5th International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing
National Dong Hwa University (http://www.ndhu.edu.tw/)
Hualien, Taiwan, ROC
10-14 May 2010




The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Cloud, Cluster and Grid computing
Mobile, peer-to-peer and pervasive computing
Sensor and Ad hoc networks
Mobile agents and networking
Service-oriented computing
Middleware, resource management, scheduling, and runtime environments
Programming models, tools and environments
Grid and pervasive applications, including eScience and eBusiness applications
Creation and management of virtual enterprises and organizations
Grid economy and business models
Semantic web, semantic grid, metadata and Ontologies



10 December 2009 Submission of papers, workshop/tutorial proposals
31 January 2010 Notification to authors
14 February 2010 Camera-ready papers required
10-14 May 2010 Conference



Authors are invited to submit original contributions. Paper submissions shall be in English, should be complete, should not exceed 12 pages in length and should be in full conformance with LNCS paper style. Authors should submit their work through EDAS at http://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=7990. The format for submission is PDF or DOC.

The conference proceedings, including all accepted papers, will be published in LNCS by Springer. The authors of accepted papers shall prepare their camera-ready submissions in full conformance with the LNCS paper style, not exceeding 12 pages and strictly by February 28, 2010.

For format and style guidelines authors should refer to: http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-72376-0
Failure to comply will prevent the paper from appearing in the conference proceedings.

Call for Workshops


Workshops on themes within the conference scope may be arranged to discuss matters of immediate technical interest as well as to foster action on longer-term technical objectives. Proposals may be submitted for half or full-day workshops, to be scheduled on Monday 10th May 2010 or Friday 14th May 2010. Workshop proposals should be submitted by e-mail to the Workshop Chair.



The organizing committee will offer honorary awards for the best paper and the best presentation, which will be presented during the banquet and at the close of the conference respectively.

Call for Tutorials


Tutorials should address subjects that fall within the scope of the conference and may be proposed as either half-or a full-day events. Proposals should include a title, an abstract, a description of the topic, a detailed outline of the presentation, a description of the presenter's lecturing expertise in general and with the proposed topic in particular, the proposed duration (half day or full day), the intended level of the tutorial (introductory, intermediate, or advanced), the recommended audience experience and background, and a statement of the reasons for attending.

<download the form of proposal here>

Proposals should be submitted by e-mail to the Tutorial Chair.

The providers of full-day tutorials will receive a complimentary conference registration as well as a fee for every paying participant in excess of 5; for half-day tutorials, these benefits will be accordingly halved.

[培训]内核驱动高级班,冲击BAT一流互联网大厂工 作,每周日13:00-18:00直播授课

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